Friday, May 17, 2019

feeling better and incision update

Had to change my dressing today because I was getting contact dermatitis from the tegaderm. My old dressing looked great. No drainage, beyond maybe an 8th of a teaspoon of dried blood, and my staples look amazing. I'm glad they're coming out on Wednesday, because my skin is healing really well. I have 22 staples, which is one more than I had on my left.

I'm having a hard time trying not to break my hip restrictions. I keep wanting to cross my ankles this time. I'm having to tie a cushion to my leg even when I sit at the table. 

I've started tapering the percocet since I've pretty much been on it for 2 months and want to be able to be off of it when this prescription runs out. And I know that my OS expects me off of it except bedtime by the time my staples are removed.

I honestly can't wait to be off of my xarelto so I can get back on my meloxicam. My knees, ankles and elbows are all flaring.
I'm avoiding anti-inflammatories because one of the doctors told me that they inhibit bone growth and based on my personal experience with a joint fusion where I took nsaids as pain relief and the fact that it took 12 weeks to make fibrous but not boney connection when it should have been bone in 6...

Otherwise Mom and I had a lovely day. We went uptown in my neighbourhood and window shopped a but, and I took her out for lunch as a minimal thank you, for basically moving into my house in the city while leaving my dad and the cats for 2 months to help me out. 

(We picked up an old push wheelchair at a thrift store in between hip replacements because we both got really stir crazy last time. Its been a life saver allowing us to go out, since neither of us drive and walking further than the street corner is too much at this point.}

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