Saturday, April 27, 2019

Feeling Silly

I feel a little silly tonight. I'm laying in bed with an ice pack under my butt on my surgical side and a heat pack on my pre-op side.

I honestly can't believe how much difference there is in the pain levels. I'm at a 1 on my replaced hip, and a 2 after a full day activity. Generally it's just minor muscle pain. 
My big notice on the left side is I'm starting to get shin pain and I'm wondering if it's my shoes, the leg length difference or both. 

On my pre-op side I easily spend the day at a 3-4 going up to a 6 with light activity full of radiating and shooting pains.

Another thing I've noticed is that I didn't get pre-menstrual/menstrual hip pain this time in my left, but still got it in my right hip. I'm hoping the right replacement will solve that all together because that's been the worst pain I've been getting.

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