Saturday, April 27, 2019

Feeling Silly

I feel a little silly tonight. I'm laying in bed with an ice pack under my butt on my surgical side and a heat pack on my pre-op side.

I honestly can't believe how much difference there is in the pain levels. I'm at a 1 on my replaced hip, and a 2 after a full day activity. Generally it's just minor muscle pain. 
My big notice on the left side is I'm starting to get shin pain and I'm wondering if it's my shoes, the leg length difference or both. 

On my pre-op side I easily spend the day at a 3-4 going up to a 6 with light activity full of radiating and shooting pains.

Another thing I've noticed is that I didn't get pre-menstrual/menstrual hip pain this time in my left, but still got it in my right hip. I'm hoping the right replacement will solve that all together because that's been the worst pain I've been getting.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Post- Op Surgeon's Update

I saw my surgeon on Wednesday and he said everything looks great. The month of 50% weight bearing helped me heal well. He said that my stem is well fixed, and my soft tissue has recoved well enough that he was taking off all of my post-op restrictions.

He was pleased to hear that I'd been incorporating 100% weight bearing into my routine and told me to try it all the time for the next few weeks until my RTHR next month.

Friday, April 12, 2019

This is a no pain zone. If you feel ANY pain, stop.

I'm weight bearing more and more every day. I'm so glad to be off of 50%. I'm walking about a kilometre and a half every day according to my fitness tracker and my pace is only slightly slower than it was before surgery. I'd say it's similar to what it was last spring before I started prehab.

I've been walking around the house with either one crutch or none, but feel off balance because of my leg length difference. On the street, I'm trying to work my way to using my urban walking poles, so I still have support on both sides (replaced and upcoming)
I had physio on Thursday and they asked me why I waited a month post-op to start and told them my surgeon disallowed it for a month. I liked they said "This is a no pain zone. If you feel ANY pain, stop." In fact the whole session started with an ice pack on my hip for half an hour before starting anything. They're basically working with me to improve my leg strength ahead of the next surgery.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Thoughts and Achievements

My follow up with my os was moved up to the 17th from the 29th. So soon I'll have an xray I can see, unlike the ones done at the hospital. 

I'm starting to think that I'll have to push back my right thr from May until July-ish. There are 8 steps into my house and I don't think I'll be able to climb them with my left leg leading for another couple of months. I just don't have the strength yet. 

Otherwise I'm making great strides, I'm walking about 4000 steps a day, i have so much less pain, every day the stem feels more and more secure, and I'm down to one crutch in the house

Thursday, April 4, 2019

!!!31 Days Post op!!!!

Now that I'm 31 days post surgery, {and was told that at a month I could leave 50%weight bearing} I'm trying to work my way down to one crutch

. I've been putting more weight on my left leg as it's been feeling more stable with both crutches and have been doing minor one crutch walking around the house. I was able to grab my own breakfast and mug for tea this morning because I had a hand free. That felt like a MAJOR accomplishment.

Right now, my biggest challenge is convincing my mom to let me walk around the house with one crutch.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Yay! Gastro bug... Not

Physio didn't happen. I woke up with the gastro bug my brother had last week. So I had to reschedule as soon as the clinic opens. 

I honestly can't wait to get my right hip done. It hurts so bad and my left doesn't hurt at all. I'm really feeling how weak the right is compared to the left now.

Monday, April 1, 2019

Walking- 75% weight bearing- left hip

Better and Better

Things are going great. I'm noticing that I have barely any pain and my left hip and leg are starting to feel more stable.

It took me 15 minutes to walk to the library last week and only 10 minutes today. I'm handling more walking every day and getting faster. 

I'm hoping with the start of my outpatient physio tomorrow that I'll get my 50%weight bearing restriction lifted and can go down to one crutch. I really would enjoy having one hand free to do things like carry my own cup to the sink. 

I see my orthopedic surgeon again at the end of this month to get evaluated if we can move forward with my right hip replacement or if it has to get pushed for more healing time.

The only thing really going on right now is I had to switch ends of the bed to sleep on, so I could tuck my body pillow along my left side to stop me from rolling onto my left hip in my sleep.

Nothing quite like sleeping comfortably and get woken up by dumb pain because I rolled over in my sleep.